Dr Jenny Crosbie is a Research Fellow at the Centre for Social Impact at Swinburne University. She holds a Bachelor of Arts (Disability Studies) from Deakin University, a Graduate Diploma (Industrial Relations and Human Resource Management) from the University of Melbourne and a PhD from Swinburne University
Jenny has worked to support people with disability to be included in community life for over 35 years, in a variety of research, advocacy and practice roles. She has managed transition and employment services for people with disability and was the inaugural executive officer of DEA. Since 2004 Jenny has undertaken research related to community inclusion for people with disability and people experiencing disadvantage.
Jenny has a particular interest in understanding and addressing barriers to economic participation that young people with intellectual disability face, in particular barriers at the system level, which limit opportunities available.
Her PhD research reconceptualises thinking about economic participation for young people with intellectual disability and identifies factors that promote their inclusion in community-based economic participation roles.
In her current role Jenny is undertaking research related to employment and disability, with a particular focus on employer engagement and enabling policy and systems.