Climate Change and Disproportionate Effect on PWD

The Why – climate change has a disproportionate impact on people living with a disability and the disability services community has a responsibility to lead.

A summary of some of the key considerations and statistics on why the topic of climate change should be on the agenda for the disability services community as advocates for their clients will be privided.

What is climate change?

An overview of what climate change is, how it has come about and the likely impacts on the planet and societies.

How does climate change impact people living with a disability?

A specific breakdown of all the ways that climate change will impact people living with a disability including topics such as heat adaptation, water-related impacts, mental health and natural disasters and emergencies.

What can we as a disability services community do about climate change?

A review of the options available right now for the disability services community to lead on the issue of climate change.


Joel Robbie Head of Sales and Growth, Trace

Joel Robbie is a growth leader and company builder with working experience across disability services, climate technology and financial services. He is a passionate advocate for people living with a disability and an expert on how businesses can do their part to help combat climate change. As a senior executive at climate technology company, Trace, Joel helps businesses to measure, reduce and offset their carbon footprint.